Sport Manitoba’s Safe Sport Summit

Sport Manitoba’s Safe Sport Summit

What does safe sport mean, exactly? Safe Sport is an environment where individuals can have a healthy, supportive, and respectful sport experience, free from all forms of harassment and abuse.

The Sport Manitoba Safe Sport Summit in collaboration with Sport Law, True Sport, and Generation Safe, held in person on May 3 and 4, is an opportunity for participants to learn, discuss current topics, and ensure leaders in the province’s sport system have the knowledge and the tools to provide quality sport experiences to all Manitobans.

A Two-Day Event 

The Sport Manitoba Safe Sport Summit is a two-day event—a town hall-style evening with a presentation on Friday and a workshop-style event Saturday morning—that serves as a melting pot for administrators, coaches, parents, officials, athletes, and volunteers of all sports in Manitoba. Fostering collaboration and collective action, participants can expect professional development opportunities, presentations, engaging activities, and resources that will help establish a safe and sustainable sport culture.

Friday Agenda

Friday evening’s agenda includes a keynote address from Allison Forsyth. The 2-time Olympian and 8-time National Champion (alpine skiing) offers a unique and critical perspective as a survivor of sexual abuse in the sport system.

Date: May 3, 2024

Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Location: Canadian Mennonite University, 600 Shaftesbury Blvd.

Cost: Free

Saturday Agenda

Saturday’s speakers cover a variety of topics and allow everyone to learn about the value of safe sport, including navigating the complaint process, best practices for sport leaders for onboarding volunteers, adopting a positive approach to sport, and establishing a preventative culture.

Date: May 4, 2024

Time: 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Location: Canadian Mennonite University, 600 Shaftesbury Blvd.

Cost: Free

Saturday morning includes an address from Manitoba’s Minister of Sport, Culture, Heritage, and Tourism, the Honourable Glen Simard.

Registration is completely free and food/beverages will be provided both days.

The Significance of Education and Awareness

Education and awareness form the cornerstone of this event. Safe sport is an evolving landscape, and these sessions serve as a compass, guiding stakeholders toward best practices. Active engagement is also key. These initiatives welcome interaction and dialogue, inviting all participants to contribute to the conversation.

A Unified Vision for Safe Sport

By providing tailored insights, proactive measures, and encouraging active participation, these initiatives empower stakeholders to champion safe sport. To join this transformative journey and contribute to building a safer sport environment, register for the Summit today. Together, let’s ensure every individual can thrive in a culture of safety, respect, and excellence in sport.

Register and learn more at:
