Quick Hits | Rookie Camp – Day 1

Notes and quotes from Day 1 of Blue Bombers rookie camp…

MILT, MILT AND MORE MILT: AK Gassama strode into the Blue Bombers locker room Wednesday morning and there camped out beside him was a 54-year-old legend and the Canadian Football League’s all-time touchdown leader, Milt Stegall. Both of them, interestinly enough, were readying for the first day of rookie camp.

“It was crazy,” said the Blue Bombers sixth-round draft pick, a Winnipegger and All-Canadian at the University of Manitoba. “I walked in and he was right beside me in the locker room. I told him, ‘I was like eight years old when I was watching you. This is crazy.’ He asked me how I was feeling and I said, ‘I’m a bit nervous.’ He told me it was Ok to be nervous because it means you care.

“It was pretty awesome to see his commitment to what he said and his words. To come out here and do another training camp… I hope that one day I get the opportunity to do that because that’s pretty cool.”

A full story on Stegall’s day will be posted separately later, but his presence created a buzz at Princess Auto Stadium, both on and off the field.

Two legends: Zach Collaros and Milt Stegall

“He looked good out here, didn’t he?,” said quarterback Zach Collaros with a grin. “The most impressive thing to me was he learned all the plays in about one meeting’s time. But the shuttles (running lines while being timed)… I think he was Top 5 as a 54-year-old, that’s just wild. Unbelievable shape and his willingness to do it was impressive, too. It was cool to watch him out there running around.

“His footwork is still there. I’m sure he’s not as fast as he once was although, again, he was pretty impressive in those 300-yard shuttles. Obviously he’s a very coordinated individual, he’s fast, he can think the game. We were talking a little bit about him and Khari (Jones, Stegall’s long-time Blue Bomber teammate and quarterback) and how they use to see it whether it was a run or a pass play and taking advantage of some of the things that defences would do to them and how it would create a lot of explosives for them. It was really cool to be out there with him.”

Stegall sat in on the meetings before practice and did spend time talking to new receivers during the session, along with vets like Collaros, Kenny Lawler and Willie Jefferson. It was a one-time deal, with Stegall leaving after the practice, but it did make for an interesting Day 1 show.

“He introduced himself (to the team) and I don’t know if some guys understood the length of time between his last training camp to now — I’m sure some guys didn’t process that,” said head coach Mike O’Shea. “On a personal level, I mean, I played against Milt and I’m sure he got the better of us most times. When it’s all said and done, watching him out there is pretty inspirational. We’re basically the same age. I couldn’t do that before and I certainly can’t do that now. Pretty cool.

“Throughout his career and throughout his life it just seems like he’s done it right and made good decisions. He had great priority. Again, you don’t get that kind of production and longevity without really prioritizing what’s important and sticking to it and being that dedicated and relentless in your pursuit of excellence — all those things are important. I don’t know if guys can get that from him in one brief chat. maybe some guys Googled him up to see what he’s all about.”

WEIGHING IN: O’Shea was asked after practice Wednesday about the nine-game suspension levied against Toronto Argonauts QB Chad Kelly. He said he would not comment on the length of suspension because ‘that’s not in my wheelhouse.’

“But I do feel very strongly that the women that work in our league deserve a safe workplace and deserve to be respected — everybody deserves to be respected and have a safe workplace,” he said. “The women in our league, and there’s a lot of them, really deserve to feel safe coming to work every day. That kind of question should be posed to the women in our organization to see if they do feel safe and respected in this workplace — I believe they do, but far be it for me to answer that. They certainly deserve our support and I know organizationally we make good decisions.”

TAKE A BOW: There were rave reviews for the new turf at Princess Auto Stadium. The infill still needs to settle, but initially the Blue Bombers were scheduled to practice on the field beside the Winnipeg Soccer Federation South and so being able to step outside of their locker room onto their home turf got two huge thumbs up from everyone.

“Its soft, which is good for me,” said Collaros. “I don’t about for the receivers and defensive backs — they’re going to have to get used to getting in and out of cuts — but it’s a beautiful field.”

“I’m sure it will get talked about inside these walls for a little bit and I’m sure everybody will be thanking Wade (Miller, President & CEO) and the staff, Lynda (McCausland, Field Operations Manager) and her staff… they worked tirelessly to get it ready. They worked through the night and had everybody out there painting last night just to get it done so we could get out there today. It makes a huge difference.”

QUOTABLE: “It’s super surreal. I was talking to my dad the other day… I remember doing youth programs and I played for the Fort Garry Lions and my dad won a pair of Bombers tickets. That was the hugest thing. I remember going and sitting in the stands, Michael Bishop was playing quarterback, and just seeing the blue and gold. And that was at Polo Park. It’s pretty surreal to get the full-circle moment. And then I played college ball and on this field the past couple of years and (the Blue Bombers) are right there, so to get this opportunity is absolutely amazing.” — Gassama.

Blue Bombers 2024 CFL Draft pick and University of Manitoba product AK Gassama

FYI: The Bombers announced the signing of eight more players prior to practice, including 2024 CFL Global Draft picks Fabian Weits and Lucky Ogbevoen, linebackers Tre Thomas, John Petrishen Dylan Moses, defensive backs Bill Hacket and CJ Siegel and offensive lineman Chidi Okeke… O’Shea on Kevens Clercius — the club’s first pick, 13th overall — in last week’s CFL Draft: “Big, tough, willing. He’s a good fit in that regared in terms of some of those attributes. I don’t know if you’re not going to find too many guys that don’t fit that mold. Our scouting department does a fantastic job — Ted, Danny, Cyrill do a fantastic job of bringing guys in that fit. They don’t spend a lot of time on guys that aren’t going to be able to answer those quesions about in a positive way.”… RB Michael Chris-Ike, drafted 14th overall last week, attended New York Jets rookie camp last week and is off to the New Orleans Saints rookie camp this weekend… Nine different players took turns returning punts on Wednesday in the fight to replace Janarion Grant — running backs Chris Smith and Ronnie Brown and receivers Kody Case, K.J. Hill, Ronnie Blackmon, Peter Afful, Aron Cruickshank and Myron Mitchell and

NEXT: Day 2 of rookie camp goes Thursday from 10 a.m.-12:15 p.m. at Princess Auto Stadium.
