Neighbour testifies about late night encounter with admitted serial killer Jeremy Skibicki

Warning: This article contains details that may be disturbing to readers. Discretion is advised.

Neighbours of admitted serial killer Jeremy Skibicki testified about the man’s late night outings when he was “just getting rid of garbage” – later determined to be the remains of one of his four victims.

Allan MacKay has been living in a North Kildonan apartment block on McKay Avenue for the past 14 years – the same apartment block where Skibicki admitted he killed four Indigenous women.

MacKay, who was called as a witness in Skibicki’s trial Wednesday, testified about a late night encounter with the 37-year-old accused.

It was around 2 a.m. on the morning of May 16, 2022. MacKay said he had been sound asleep, but was woken up by the sound of someone running up and down the stairwell with boots on.

“I open my door… and then he comes down the stairs carrying a couple of baskets in his arm,” MacKay testified.

When he asked what Skibicki was doing, Mackay testified the man simply told him, “I’m getting rid of garbage.”

“I said, ‘Well do it during the day. People have to work in the morning.’”

MacKay told the court Skibicki made a few more trips up and down the stairs, though this time he took off his boots. MacKay sent an email complaining about the situation to the apartment’s property manager, who he said was a friend of Skibicki’s.

Allen Jeffrey Cohan, the caretaker of the building, also testified he saw Skibicki that morning around the apartment’s garbage bins.

“I could see directly out my big window where the remaining garbage cans were. I just saw his head go by, so I stood up to see what was going on,” Cohan testified.

“He proceeded to take one of the empty garbage bins and dump the armful of clothing that he had in his arms into the garbage bin.”

Cohan said he went out to see what Skibicki had put in the bin, and found clothing and a pink backpack underneath a piece of cardboard.

The court heard previously Skibicki had deposed of Rebecca Contois’ body that night.

Security video shows him wheeling a garbage bin to a dumpster in the area, and throwing white plastic garbage bags inside. Police believe these contained the remains of Contois.

Skibicki has admitted to killing Contois, along with three other women: Morgan Harris, Marcedes Myran and a fourth unidentified woman who Indigenous leaders have named Mashkode Bizhiki’ikwe or Buffalo Woman.

Skibicki has pleaded not guilty. His defense counsel argue he is not criminally responsible for the killings due to mental illness.

When asked if they had ever seen Skibicki make any other late-night outings like this before – both men testified they had not.

The court is expected to hear testimony from another neighbour Wednesday afternoon, along with a Winnipeg homeless shelter worker. The court has heard previously Skibicki would prey on vulnerable women at homeless shelters in the city.

There is a support line available for those impacted by missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and LGBTQ2S+ people: 1-844-413-6649.

The Hope for Wellness Hotline for Indigenous people, with support in Cree, Ojibway and Inuktitut, is also available 24/7 in Canada at 1-855-242-3310.

-with files from The Canadian Press 


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