Seeding progress growing in Manitoba: Crop report

Parts of Manitoba were off to a rainy start this May, which is helping with the province’s soil moisture.

According to the latest crop report, which was released on Tuesday, there was variable amounts of precipitation around agro-Manitoba from May 6 to May 12. However, the southwest and central regions saw rainfall totals as high as 40.3 mm and 32.4 mm, respectively.

The province notes that the climate normal for precipitation totals for May 1 to May 12 ranges from 11.7 mm to 26.33 mm.

“Most of the Southwest, and areas of the Northwest, Central, and East regions have accumulated more than 100% of normal precipitation since May 1,” the report states. “The central and northern parts of the Interlake and Eastern regions have accumulated less than 100% of the 30-year average.”

As for soil conditions, the report says that the majority is showing wet moisture conditions at the surface depths.

Seeding progress

In terms of seeding, the province saw rapid progress over the past week, bringing the total to 30 per cent completion.

It notes that the planting of corn is at 60 per cent completion, cereals are at 58 per cent and peas are at 72 per cent complete. Canola planting has only just begun with six per cent of the acres planted, while soybean planting is at 15 per cent completion.

Manitoba warns that weeds are quickly appearing in fields, so growers should scout and use burn-off products.

The full crop report can be found online.


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