Manitoba handed failing grade in new poverty report

Manitoba has been handed a failing grade in a new report card on poverty across the country.

On Wednesday, Food Banks Canada released its annual Poverty Report Cards, putting Manitoba at a D-. This marks a significant drop from last year when the province was given a C-.

To further break down the D-, Food Banks Canada graded the province a D+ for experience of poverty, an F for poverty measures, a C- for material deprivation, and an F for legislative progress.

According to the report, many Manitobans are struggling with unprecedented rates of poverty and food insecurity. It says that Manitoba’s poverty rate is 11.5 per cent, slightly above the national average of 9.9 per cent.

The report goes on to say the top issues contributing to poverty in the province are the cost of food and utilities, health care, and mental health and addiction issues.

To help with these issues, Food Banks Canada recommends a poverty reduction strategy, with a particular focus on single people and Indigenous people. It also suggests establishing a $100 million annual Manitoba Builds program and raising the minimum wage, among other measures.

How does Manitoba compare?

The majority of provinces were given grades in the D range, with seven out of 10 receiving a D-. The only provinces that were graded in the C range were Prince Edward Island and Quebec.

The overall grade for the federal government was a D-.

According to Food Banks Canada, the country has reached a “turning point” as poverty worsens across Canada.

The organization found that 44 per cent of Canadians feel financially worse off compared to 2023, with one in four people experiencing food insecurity.

More information about each province’s poverty report card can be found online. 


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