Colleen Bready’s forecast: Heavy rain moving into northern regions

A low-pressure system continues its trek across Manitoba on Wednesday, shifting the focus of the heaviest rain into northern regions.

Churchill and Tadoule Lake regions are under rainfall warnings. These areas could see as much as 50-80 mm of rainfall by Thursday night.

But that doesn’t mean the southern half of the province is in the clear.

Showers are quite possible across the south in strong and gusting winds today.

The potential for thunderstorms is highest in the Red River Valley and Interlake.

Funnel clouds can’t be ruled out in eastern Manitoba this afternoon either.

Winds will still be strong in Winnipeg on Thursday, but sky conditions should be more stable with the passage of the low-pressure system further north.

Sunshine makes a conveniently timed return on Friday through the weekend. 


Posted in CTV