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BRANDON — Brandon University celebrated a couple of firsts when 560 students crossed the stage to receive their degrees last month.

Lauren Letexier, who earned a bachelor’s degree in science, and Enoch Ouskun, who earned a bachelor’s degree of business administration with honours, were the first two graduates to come from the university’s Al and Bee Wagner Indigenous Student Transition program.

Started in 2020, the program — funded by a donation by Daphne Wagner and David Green and named after Wagner’s parents — is aimed at helping Indigenous students with their transition to post-secondary education.

BU said Friday Letexier is the second person from her father’s side of her family to get a university degree.

The Métis woman from Fisher Branch thanked the program’s co-ordinator, Deidre Gregory from BU’s Indigenous Peoples’ Centre, and her fellow students for their help and encouragement.

“I always knew I had someone to talk to if I needed to when school got tough,” the psychology major was quoted as saying.

Ouskun, a Swampy Cree from Opaskwayak Cree Nation, said he had difficulties in the public school system that delayed his graduation from high school.

Initially, he was worried he would have a similar experience at BU, but that turned out to not be the case, in large part because of the transition program.

“I would not have had the great start to my BU career without it,” he said.

“I felt lost many times during my first year, but when I went to talk to Deidre Gregory about my issues and uncertainties, she would either have the answer for me or she would go and find the answer for me. I cannot thank Deidre enough for helping me as much as she did during my first year.”

Letexier will pursue a bachelor’s degree in education at BU. Ouskun has received a position at MNP as an articling accountant and plans to pursue chartered professional accountant status by 2027.

“Completing a university degree can be challenging and a huge accomplishment for anyone, and Indigenous students have the strength and wisdom to focus on their end goal,” Gregory said.

“With the help from (the transition program), knowledge keepers, staff and other students, we support one another, and it was amazing to see Enoch and Lauren cross that stage to receive the reward for all their commitment and determination.”

— Brandon Sun
