North End Women’s Centre cleaning up after weekend fire

A resource centre that offers various services to women in the city’s North End is cleaning up after a weekend fire. 

In the early morning hours of Sunday, the front entrance of the North End Women’s Centre at 394 Selkirk Street, was set ablaze.

In a photo posted on Instagram, the entranceway of the building can be seen with significant fire damage.

“We are very lucky that it wasn’t worse,” said the North End Women’s Centre in a post on social media.

The community quickly responded, sending words of encouragement.

“So sorry to hear. Praying you are able to move forward quickly and smoothly,” said Nancy.  “My goodness, I’m so sorry to see this. Sending you all to love and light through this,” said Katie

Due to the fire and a lack of safe access to the building, the centre says Monday’s drop-in will be closed. 
