City offers relief ahead of warmer weather expected

With warmer weather expected this week, the City of Winnipeg is giving residents opportunities to beat the heat. 

With temperatures expected to be around mid-20s to 30 degrees, a number of civic facilities across the city are open to the public to cool off with clean drinking water at hydration stations and air conditioning during regular operating hours.    

There are eight hydration stations for residents to get clean drinking water. They are at the following locations:

  • 470 Selkirk Avenue (The Bell Tower)
  • 185 Young Street (Broadway Neighbourhood Centre)
  • Southwest corner of Stella Avenue and Main Street (near Mount Carmel Clinic)
  • Northeast corner of Princess Street and Henry Avenue (near Siloam Mission)
  • Southeast corner of Roslyn Road and Osborne Street
  • 369 Furby Street (near Agape Table)
  • Southeast corner of Maryland Street and Ellice Avenue (near Spence Neighbourhood Association)
  • 190 Disraeli Freeway (near N’Dinawemak)

There are also a number of leisure centres, community centres, and libraries open as cooling areas that are open for residents to come in and cool down during operating hours. 

More information on locations of hydration stations and cooling spaces can be found at:

Safety Tips for Hot Weather

Residents are reminded of the following heat safety tips:

  • Stay hydrated. Don’t wait to feel thirsty to drink water. 

  • Check on vulnerable family, friends, and relatives, especially older adults or individuals with medical conditions.

  • Stay in the shade and wear a hat and loose-fitting clothing. Be especially mindful of sun exposure for babies and young children and try to keep them in the shade when possible.
  • Ensure children and pets are never left alone in closed vehicles or direct sunlight.
  • Extreme heat is very dangerous. Call 9-1-1 if you or someone you know is exhibiting symptoms of heat exhaustion or heat stroke.
  • When using additional cooling appliances such as portable air conditioners, do not overload electrical circuits as this can create a fire risk.

 More information on heat and sun safety can be found here
