Foster parent advocate Jamie Pfau will represent Manitoba Liberals in Tuxedo byelection

An advocate for foster parents and children in care will carry the Manitoba Liberal banner in the Tuxedo byelection after her rival bowed out of the race.

Jamie Pfau, president of the Manitoba Foster Parent Association, will be the party’s candidate in the June 18 byelection, the Manitoba Liberals announced in a Tuesday news release.

The party’s deputy leader, Willard Reaves, was also seeking the nomination, but is now backing Pfau.

“We took a walk and discussed our joint commitment to build a party that will represent the people of our constituencies and our province. As deputy leader, I felt that Jamie Pfau would best represent the constituents of Tuxedo and their needs,” Reaves, a former Winnipeg Blue Bomber running back, said in the news release.

A resident of Tuxedo, Pfau has become a vocal advocate over the last few months in fighting for more supports for foster parents and children in care. She recently participated in a news conference alongside the Manitoba Liberals.

Homes for survivors

She also founded a non-profit called Peace For All of Us, which purchases homes to give survivors escaping intimate partner violence a place to stay. 

“I’m excited to connect with the residents of my community and listen to their concerns. It is clear the NDP government has failed to represent the needs of my community,” Pfau said in the news release.

The vacancy in the legislature was created after former premier Heather Stefanson resigned on May 6.

On Monday, Premier Wab Kinew announced the date of the byelection and, hours later, announced the NDP had picked registered nurse Carla Compton as its candidate.

The PC nomination will be a contest between former MLA Shannon Martin, real estate agent Lori Shenkarow and family lawyer Lawrence Pinsky. The party is planning to hold its nomination meeting next Tuesday. 

The riding has only ever been held by the Tories since it was created in 1981, but in last year’s election, the NDP came within 300 votes of upsetting the PCs and Stefanson.

The Manitoba Liberals finished in second place in Tuxedo during the 2019 election.
