Where are all the kids?

Why don’t kids seem to play outside as much anymore?

It’s not just about screen time. 

Leg and sneaker of school age kid playing on playground structure. Walking across wooden plank bridge.
Kids like outdoor play to be exciting and challenging, with chances to climb high and run fast, researchers have found. (CBC)

That’s one of the revelations in the second edition of My Hometown, CBC Manitoba’s urban living column by Winnipegger Ben Farr.

In this edition, Farr investigates why kids aren’t playing outside like they did in previous generations.

Sure, kids are attached to their devices and online a lot more today, but that isn’t the only factor at play. So what is happening?

Parental worries about safety and crime are a factor but are those fears realistic? And how can the city encourage more outdoor play? Farr finds some answers.

My Hometown will appear regularly on all CBC Manitoba platforms. It explores life in Winnipeg, how we live, what works, what doesn’t, and how we can make the city better.

Colourful, empty playground structure with slides, and climbing wall. Text in white below says, 'Where are the kids?"
Screen time isn’t the only reason today’s kids aren’t playing outside as much as previous generations. Perceptions of safety and crime, and the resulting parental fears, are keeping kids indoors more. (CBC)
