West Nile numbers prompt Province-mandated fogging program tomorrow

Winnipeg, MB – We will begin a targeted fogging program tomorrow in response to high numbers of Culex tarsalis mosquitoes in several areas of Winnipeg.

The Province of Manitoba issued a fogging order under The Environment Act. The Act requires municipalities to fog when the risk of West Nile Virus transmission via Culex tarsalis mosquitoes is high.

Our program will start at 9:30 p.m. tomorrow, Friday, August 9. As per the provincial order, buffer zones are no longer in effect within city limits.

Subject to weather conditions, the program will target the following Insect Management Areas:

  • 22 (Bridgwater Lakes)
  • 23 (Tuxedo Industrial, Whyte Ridge, Wilkes South)
  • 24 (Brockville, Linden Ridge, Lindenwoods, West Fort Garry Industrial)
  • 51 (Riverbend, Rosser – Old Kildonan)

Residents can see a daily program schedule online and register online for public service announcements. We will release the upcoming schedule at least eight hours in advance.

The program will be carried out using DeltaGard 20EW®.

West Nile Virus Program

The West Nile Virus Program is a provincial responsibility. Weekly average trap counts of Culex tarsalis by regional health authority are available on the Province of Manitoba’s West Nile virus website.

People can take a number of measures to protect themselves from West Nile Virus:

  • Reduce mosquito numbers by getting rid of mosquito habitats around your home
  • Reduce the time you spend outdoors between dusk and dawn
    • The peak mosquito hours are around dusk and dawn, but Culex mosquitoes will also bite during the night
  • Wear light-coloured, loose-fitting long-sleeved tops and pants when outside
  • Apply an appropriate insect repellent, according to Health Canada Guidelines and label instructions
  • Check that door and window screens fit tightly and are free of holes

For additional information on West Nile virus, please visit the Province of Manitoba’s West Nile virus website or call Health Links – Info Santé (204) 788-8200 in Winnipeg or toll-free 1-888-315-9257.

Register for notification

We provide an automated daily telephone and email notification system for insect control activities. Residents can register online or by contacting 311.
