Create a sanctuary for insects, keep your mower in the garage a little longer

Winter is finally over and grass is growing all over the province, but don’t bring out your lawnmower just yet! 

Norm Gregoire works for the RM of Stuartburn as the community liaison for at-risk species. He is promoting No Mow May and asks everyone to participate. 

“Moths, butterflies, and beetles and things like that need warmer days, depending on the species, to hatch and come out. When we don’t give them that chance, if we start mowing right away, then essentially, we’re just mowing them over and that’s the end of it all.” 

He says by waiting a little bit longer to mow the grass, we give these needed insects a chance to come out. 

Gregoire mentions it also increases the odds of getting native flower species to grow. 

“And we think about things like bumblebees that everyone loves, well they need to nectar, they need those early flowers that come out like dandelions. I know dandelions aren’t native, but they do provide a service.” 

If you don’t want to let your grass grow throughout your entire lawn, Gregoire asks that you choose a section of your lawn to save for the insects. 

“I know not everyone is able to leave the entire lawn to grow to eight inches by the time the end of May comes around, but maybe set aside a part of your lawn, maybe a corner, or even better, the perimeter of the lawn, certain areas that we can sort of rewild for nature,” he says. “We all do our own little parts, and I believe that it does help in the long run.” 

While it can be tempting to strive for perfection and have the most well-maintained lawn, these species need a place to grow. 

“That urban environment is growing and growing as the years go on, so any little bit of nature that we can leave definitely helps out every creature, whether it’s large or small in the long run.” 


With files from Carly Koop
