Personal care home residents spread joy in Linden Ridge

Residents of a Winnipeg personal care home filled Linden Ridge with smiles and laughter this week as they participated in the 12th annual Simkin Stroll.

The event, which took place Tuesday evening, was put on by The Saul and Claire Simkin Centre, something they do every year to bring the community together for fitness and fundraising.

“As I walk alongside my family, friends and neighbours on the Simkin Stroll, I’m reminded that together we’re not just taking steps, we’re creating memories that will last a lifetime and building a foundation for future residents,” said Kerry, one of the residents of Simkin Centre.

The event allowed residents, including their centenarians, to engage in physical activity while appreciating the outdoors. It also allowed them to meet their neighbours and make new friends. 

 “As a proud member of the community, investing in recreation programs and services at the Simkin Centre is not just an act of generosity, but a vital contribution to the well-being of residents,” said Community leader, Ellery Broder. “These programs, which are not covered by Manitoba Health funding, play a crucial role in enriching the lives of those who call the Simkin Centre their home. The Simkin Stroll is more than just a fundraising event; it is a testament to the power of community spirit and the profound difference we can make when we come together to support quality long-term health care that impacts all of us.” 

The walk included plenty of photo stops, games, games and face painting for children. It also included a meal, a silent auction, a photo booth and entertainment. 
