Seven-year-old Winnipeg boy with rare disorder raises funds for children with disabilities

A Winnipeg family is paying it forward by hosting a special lemonade stand this weekend.

Sabrina Gamey’s seven-year-old son, Spencer, was born with a rare deletion which has led to numerous hospital visits and plenty of support from the Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation.

In 2019, Spencer’s older sister hosted a lemonade stand to give back in support of the foundation. It is a tradition that has continued ever since.

“We just decided to keep running with it,” said Gamey. “It’s a wonderful experience. It’s a big deal for him and has been successful every year.”

Gamey says the Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation helps thousands of Manitobans with disabilities every year, her son included. And she says they rely on fundraising and donations to help all those families. 

“I know for our family, Spencer included, we would not be where we are today without them,” said Gamey. “I could talk for hours about how they’ve helped us and how it’s positively impacted us. We want to give back and pay it forward any way we can.” 

This year the lemonade fundraiser will take place on Saturday, June 8, starting at 10 a.m. at 860 Isbister Street. 

The sale will go on until they are sold out. 

All funds collected will be donated to the Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation of Manitoba.
