Traffic lights impacted by stormy weather Thursday morning

It could be a slow and difficult drive for motorists in Winnipeg on Thursday morning.

Several intersections throughout the city have either traffic signal lights flashing red in all directions, or no lights at all. Motorists are reminded to treat such intersections as all-way stops unless police are on scene directing traffic.

As of 6:50 a.m., a power outage in Transcona has impacted at least two intersections along Plessis Road, including at Kildare Avenue and Ravelston Avenue West.

Lights are also out completely at King Edward and Logan Avenue.

Lights are flashing at some busy intersections including Abinojii Mikanah and Kenaston Boulevard, as well as the intersection of Grosvenor and Harrow.

The City of Winnipeg’s Traffic Management Centre is reminding motorists to exercise caution before entering intersections and to watch for repair crews.

People should be prepared to come across intersections without traffic signals throughout the morning.
