How much it could cost to turn an old Winnipeg arena into a year-round farmers’ market

Turning a decommissioned, city-owned arena into a year-round farmers’ market could cost upwards of $5.4 million.

The estimate comes in a report in front of the city’s standing policy committee on property and development, after Coun. Russ Wyatt (Trasncona) brought forward a motion last year.

Wyatt called on city administrative staff to explore the possibility of repurposing the decommissioned Roland Michener Arena into the year-round market in a push to lessen Winnipeg’s dependence on international supply chains for fresh food.

A third-party consultant found converting the space could cost between $5.4 million to $7.9 million.

“Repurposing obsolete buildings can be a fiscally prudent and environmentally responsible alternative to new construction. Based on the findings of the building condition assessment, it is reasonable to expect that a renovated Roland Michener Arena is capable of many more years of service,” the report reads.

The arena was closed in March 2015, and was declared surplus.

Afterwards, the city tried to sell it, but couldn’t find a buyer.

The consultant notes the property would need to be rezoned to allow for mercantile use, and upgrades will be more extensive because of the arena’s age.

The report will be considered by the committee at a Sept. 13 meeting.

– With files from CTV’s Charles Lefebvre


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