‘Large litter of puppies’: A Winnipeg pet rescue got more than it bargained for

A Winnipeg pet rescue recently brought in two dogs that turned out to be nine times more furry canines than they expected.

Funds for Pets agreed to bring a stray dog named Blackie from northern Manitoba here to Winnipeg and then found out Blackie had a friend, named Sierra who came along.

Amber Fox, an official with Funds for Pets, said they were told right before their arrival, that Blackie was expecting.

“So we knew there would be a litter involved,” she said, “Much to our surprise Blackie had her puppies already, as had her friend, who we did not know was pregnant.”

They had 18 puppies between the two dogs, 11 for Blackie and seven for Sierra.

“It is a large litter of puppies,” said Fox, adding the rescue now has their hands full trying to find somewhere for the prolific pair and their families to go.

Foster Lindsey Dueck agreed to help, even though she said she didn’t know what she had signed up for.

“Well, when they first asked I didn’t know how many it would be,” she said. However, she was willing to take Blackie and her puppies even after she learned how much work it would be.

“Cleaning their pens a couple times a day, replacing blankets…then because there’s so many and (we need to) make sure the puppies are getting enough nutrition, there’s bottle feeding.”

The volunteer-run rescue, which doesn’t receive government funding, said it is now facing some major bills to take care of the puppies properly.

“We’ve already had emergency vetting for Blackie, we’ve been having to buy formula,” said Fox. “The puppy food that we’re going to have to buy shortly is going to be astronomical.”

Eventually, they’re going to need several animal lovers to help these little critters find a forever home, and they are turning to the public to help.  


Posted in CTV