Temporary care plan for northern Manitoba community after nursing station totalled by fire

Provincial officials say they are working on a temporary care model and plan for a northern Manitoba community whose nursing station and ambulance garage were destroyed in a fire.

According to a provincial spokesperson, nursing residences in Chemawawin Cree Nation were not affected, and the three-person nursing team remains in the community to respond to any emergency medical needs and to triage urgent, primary, and public health-care needs.

Additionally, the Misipawistik Cree Nation and Grand Rapids nursing station are available to provide interim primary care and public health services.

“All urgent and emergent care patients will be transferred to The Pas. Nurses are on call, 24/7 to triage patients,” the spokesperson said in an email.

“The province will continue to monitor the situation as work with the community begins on replacement efforts.”

The aftermath of a fire at the Chemawawin Nursing Station is pictured on June 24, 2024. (Manitoba RCMP)

The nursing station in Chemawawin Cree Nation was destroyed after a fire tore through the facility Monday.

Police have since charged a 20-year-old woman with arson and failure to comply with probation in connection with the fire.

The charges have not been proven in court.

An investigation is ongoing.


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