‘We’re almost stuck’: Outrage in La Broquerie over property tax hike, road conditions


Some La Broquerie residents are outraged over a hefty property tax hike coming later this year.

Those who live in the rural part of town say they’ll be paying more and getting less – specifically when it comes to the condition of their roads.

A sticky mud and sand mixture is what makes up just one of many roads in rural La Broquerie, and people who live in the area say the roads are almost impossible to drive on.

“It makes it very difficult for getting around, especially school buses,” said area resident Barbara Krieg

Krieg has lived in La Broquerie for the last four years.

For weeks at a time, the roads around her home are shut down due to their poor condition.

It’s something Krieg said makes her regret moving to the municipality.

“Right now, we’re almost stuck. We cannot get out, you know, like, my, family cannot get out to make those wages, to go and pay those taxes,” said Krieg.

Property taxes will see a spike of 9.4 per cent for those living in the rural part of town.

“We’re paying almost $7,000 in taxes…and we have seen nothing of that money go towards any maintenance in any way towards our roads,” said Krieg.

People who live in the local urban district will be paying 5.5 per cent more.

“We don’t have the benefits of paved streets, and streetlights, and sidewalks, and access to amenities like movie theatres, and shopping centres, and we can’t even get to our homes,” said resident, Brent Oswald.

Rural resident, Stephanie Ethier, said it’s not fair.

“I mean La Broquerie is La Broquerie. Everyone should share the cost,” said Ethier.

According to the RM’s financial plan, $600,000 is allocated for gravel on the roads this year

“It would be nice to see, something done, you know, like, in the way of keeping us safe,” said Krieg.

CTV News Winnipeg has reached out to the RM for comment, but neither the reeve or deputy reeve were available.


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