Winnipeg mosque says two people with an axe and knife tried to break in

People at a Winnipeg mosque are still shocked after they say two people tried to break into the building in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

Shaqir Shaikh is a volunteer at the Abu Bakr Al-Siddique Community Centre and was cleaning in the building at around 4 a.m., when all of a sudden he heard a loud bang.

When he went to go investigate, he said he saw one person holding an axe and another with a knife.

“I just shouted loudly and I just locked that door and I just called 911,” said Shaikh.

He said police arrived quickly to the scene, but no one to be found.

Adnan Siddiqui, the director of the mosque, said he is happy that Shaikh is safe, but added the community is very shaken by the incident.

“They are really upset because we don’t know what was the purpose,” said Siddiqui.

He added with the month of Ramadan, people are often in the mosque until late at night doing evening prayer, making this incident even scarier.

Following this, Siddiqui said the building needs a new door and new security measures are going to be put in place.

Both Siddiqui and Shaikh said they have received a lot of support from the community and are very appreciative to see how so many people care.

“I’m blessed. People around me in this community have supported me (so) much. They are with me and stayed with me,” said Shaikh.

Shaikh is still encouraging people to come to the mosque for prayer.

CTV News has reached out to Winnipeg police for more details


Posted in CTV