Winnipeg’s rainy weather posing mosquito control challenges

The recent rainy weather in Winnipeg has been posing some challenges for the city’s mosquito control program.

According to a statement from the City of Winnipeg, staff has been working hard to keep the mosquito population at a tolerable level, and without this hard work, the population would be much larger.

As of Monday, Winnipeg’s mosquito rating system is at medium, which means the current percent of nuisance adult mosquitoes will potentially increase. It also means the current status and stage of adult mosquito generation at large is increasing.

Winnipeg said it’s ready to fog for adult mosquitoes; however, the way it fogs in the future will need to change as it running low on the chemical used for fogging and can’t get anymore.

The city is now looking into alternative options for fogging for future years.


Posted in CTV