Citywide spring cleanup begins Sunday

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The city’s annual street and sidewalk freshener gets underway on Sunday.

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Over the next six weeks, the city will sweep its entire road street network, including roadways, bridges, sidewalks and pathways.

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Crews, which total more than 300 pieces of equipment and around 500 workers, will also freshen up boulevards and medians on major routes and clean up litter and debris in city parks.

The city is asking Winnipeggers to stay up-to-date on where crews and cleanup efforts will be, check for no-parking signs, and move vehicles when required to avoid being ticketed or towed.

The city said in a release that no-parking signs aren’t always used, but they are installed on routes where parked cars present a challenge for crews.

Violators may receive a $150 ticket, and vehicles could be towed at the owner’s expense, the city warns. Tickets may also be mailed and not affixed to vehicles.

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Residents can visit the city’s website for more information, including safety tips, frequently asked questions, and a searchable map of residential streets undergoing cleanup.

The map shows streets scheduled for cleaning over the next 24 hours and streets that have already been dusted.

Meanwhile, the city is asking residents not to rake yard waste and other debris onto streets. This can plug drains and cause ponding problems, potentially raising the risk of basement flooding.

Debris should be put out for normal garbage collection.

Compostable yard waste (grass clippings, leaves) can be placed out for collection in any reusable container without a lid, cardboard boxes, or paper yard waste bags.

This year’s curbside yard waste collection program will start the week of April 29 for homes in yard waste collection area “A,” and the week of May 6 for homes in yard waste collection area “B.”

Yard waste collection happens once every two weeks at the curb, on the same day as recycling and garbage.

Yard waste can also be dropped off free of charge at one of the city’s 4R Winnipeg Depots.

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