Encampment in support of Palestinians sets up at University of Manitoba

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Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) has started a protest encampment at the University of Manitoba to show solidarity with Palestinians.

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The encampment is tentatively scheduled for 9 a.m. until 11 p.m. from Tuesday to Thursday, suspending operations overnight. A half-dozen tents were set up and about two dozen people were on hand at the start of a protest Tuesday on the university’s quad in the heart of the university grounds. Campus security was there to monitor the situation with portions of several university roads closed down.

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The protest in one of several being held across North America in support of Palestine and against Israeli actions in Gaza.

There are no plans to remain overnight but organizers said students would have that option if they choose.

“We do from the university have every right to be spending our time here, as long as we like,” said Zahra, one of the organizers none of whom wanted to give their last names. “These are public grounds so we do have access to them whenever we like, especially the quad over here. That is an option and students can definitely have the option to do that (stay overnight).”

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The organizers held a press conference Tuesday where they read out a list of 10 demands including that the university divest from any companies involved in genocide or discrimination against Palestinians. They also want the university to suspend exchange programs with Israeli academic institutions and to issue a public statement endorsing Palestinian rights.

Encampment of U of M
A small protest camp, against ongoing Israeli military attacks on civilians in Gaza, has been erected at the University of Manitoba, in Winnipeg on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Photo by Chris Procaylo /Winnipeg Sun

One of the programs organizers wanted terminated is university-sponsored ‘birthright trips’ to Israel. “Many students cannot visit their home countries and these trips negatively affect students and the university’s reputation suggesting tolerance of displacement and suffering,” said Dario.

The university currently has a responsible investment policy, said Victoria, who said she sat on the university board of governors when the policy was adopted, calling on the university to divest from companies in violation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.

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“That is exactly what we’re asking them to do and it’s in line with their policies,” said Victoria.

The organizers said they are not worried about the violence breaking out with this encampment as has occurred in similar encampments in U.S.

“The violence has never come from protesters and that’s a clear indication that we are intending to be a peaceful protest which is our right to do,” said Belkis. “I also want to mention that our encampment goes just past pushing for Palestinian liberation, it’s about the liberation of all people. We’re standing here in solidarity with people of multiple faiths and multiple backgrounds.

“It’s not just about one of us, it’s about all of us.”

Encampment of U of M
Small cloth wrapped parcels at the University of Manitoba represent the more than 12,000 children killed by Israeli military actions in Gaza over the past several months. A protest camp has been erected on the campus on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Photo by Chris Proaylo /Winnipeg Sun

According to a spokesperson for the Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs which represents more than 150,000 Jewish people across Canada, the college encampments raise concerns for them about the infringement on people’s freedom of expression and rights.

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“The most important thing right now for Manitobans is to ensure that there is direct dialogue based on safety and the free expression of identity of our students no matter who they are, where they come from or their beliefs,” said Gustavo Zentner, CIJA Vice-President for Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

“Above anything else we look to the administration of the university to ensure that no one should feel singled out or discriminated against based on hate or based on people’s identities. That is what will foster a good exchange of ideas, program exchanges, travelling to other places and ensuring that the faculty also has an opportunity to learn from one another when they travel to international programs.”

CIJA has been in contact with the university, campus security, the government and law enforcement agencies to remind them how much hate, anti-Semitism and xenophobia is taking place across the Canada including in Manitoba, Zentner said.

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“In talking with the organizers, they are as committed as we are to ensure that the encampment remains safe and they themselves have identified community guidelines through their social media posts to make clear that those who are attending to participate and those who are coming to show their support are aware of the expectations around that,” said U of M spokesperson and Executive Director for student engagement and success Brandy Usick, noting there is safety fencing around the encampment to control access in and out. “They’ve made it very clear on their social media that the encampment itself is a student-led initiative.”

The university has reached out to meet with the organizers to have a discussion over their demands sometime this week, Usick said.


X: @SunGlenDawkins

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