HAL’S HEADLINES: Politicians need to learn how to say sorry

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Fort Garry MLA Mark Wasyliw’s recent removal from the Manitoba NDP was very messy, to say the least. But I do applaud Premier Wab Kinew for apologizing earlier this week for how he handled it. The apology could have come sooner but as they say, better late than never. Why is it that our elected representatives have such a hard time saying those two simple words: I’m sorry. A quick admission that you got it wrong and then a heartfelt promise to do better would go a long way with me and I suspect with you as well. Am I wrong? Instead, they usually deny, deny, deny. No one expects perfection. But I do expect honesty and transparency, especially from someone I’ve chosen to do a job. I’ll vote for that person again. I won’t vote for a politician who can’t admit when he or she is wrong. And you know what, despite your denials, we can usually figure out what’s really going on, even if you won’t admit it.

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The mean temperature last month around here was 17.8 degrees. That means it was just barely the warmest September on record. But all indications are that the warmer than normal temps will continue for a while yet. Scott Kehler at Weatherlogics is forecasting a near-perfect start to October, with plenty of sunshine and double-digit highs. A few days early next week could even get into the low 20s. Get out there and enjoy it before we switch to making snow angels.


Here’s how you know that the calendar has flipped over from September to October …

-The air conditioning repair guy has finally showed up
-The UV rating has been replaced by the windchill factor
-The kids have already given you their Christmas lists
-Students have already had a dozen professional development days
-You’re excited because the microwave clock will be correct again soon
-Grandma is wondering why you’re not wearing that sweater she knit for you many years ago

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More of us are falling victim to cyberattacks and scams. According to a new worldwide survey of 20,000 people, 45% say their personal data, including banking info, has been compromised by a hacker. And it’s only going to get worse as bad actors get better at using artificial intelligence.

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A new study says a compound found in microalgae may contain the secret to a longer life. Spanish and British researchers used tiny worms to discover that phytoene increases resistance to oxidative stress. The compound also had a powerful protective effect against Alzheimer’s disease. All this opens up intriguing possibilities for future anti-aging research.


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Did you see Dana Carvey as Joe Biden on Saturday Night Live last weekend? He was brilliant! The rest of them were great too but Dana was by far the best. I’ll be tuning in again this weekend in the hopes he makes another appearance. By the way, it’s the 50th anniversary of SNL. Only a handful of shows have been on TV longer, including Meet The Press (since 1947), The Tonight Show (since 1954), 60 Minutes (since 1968), Sesame Street (since 1969) and Monday Night Football (since 1970).

— Hal has written columns for years. He’s also the host of Connecting Winnipeg weekday mornings from 10 to noon on 680 CJOB. You can email him at Hal@HalAnderson.ca.

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