HAL’S KITCHEN: No Pizza Week winners yet

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La Pizza Week wrapped on Tuesday in Winnipeg and across the country but as I write this, there are still no official winners. The last update at LaPizzaWeek.com had two pizzas from our city in the top five in Canada. Pizza Burrata Ala Pistachio at Pasquale’s Restaurant (last year’s champion) and the Ukrainian Harvest Pizza at Celly’s Pizza. Two restaurants in Quebec and one in Vancouver were also in the top five at that point. An Instagram post by La Pizza Week on Thursday promised winners soon in each category. So good luck to the local pies and stay tuned…

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A 30 year study of 115,000 people says ultra-processed foods can lead to an early death. Stuff like frozen meals, processed meats, potato chips, sugary cereals and artificially sweetened drinks. Individuals who ate seven or more daily servings of processed foods had a 4% higher risk of death compared to those who consumed half as much. Dr. Mingyang Song says these foods account for over 60% of daily calories for the average person.


Del Monte Fresh Produce is offering a new pineapple that sells for a whopping $395. The Rubyglow features a reddish-pink shell and a yellow interior. The pineapple took over 15 years to develop in Costa Rica. The Rubyglow first launched in January and there’s now a waitlist for the pineapple which takes two years to grow.

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A team of 18 bakers in France has set a new world record for the biggest baguette. It measured over 140 metres, about 235 times longer than the average French baguette or three times the length of a football field. After the bread was baked, it was cut up, spread with Nutella and shared with the public.


A UK coffee shop has decided to only serve customers who bring their own, reusable cup. Otto’s Coffee House & Kitchen in Kent is hoping the new policy will inspire other coffee shops around the world to do the same.


It was Shrimp Day on Friday. I’m a bit late but I’d like to mark the occasion by sharing some facts about shrimp…

– Shrimp change color when cooked, due to a heat-induced chemical change in their shells.
– In most cases, the colder the water, the smaller and more succulent the shrimp.
– Jumbo and colossal shrimp are referred to as prawns, even though the prawn is actually a different species.
– Some shrimp can snap their pincers loudly.
– Shrimp are low in calories, high in protein and in many parts of the world, are eaten with their heads on.
– The Bubba Gump Shrimp Company was inspired by the 1994 movie Forrest Gump. It operates a few dozen restaurants globally.

— Hal has written columns for years. He’s also the host of Connecting Winnipeg weekday mornings from 10 to noon on 680 CJOB. You can email him at Hal@HalAnderson.ca.

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