July real estate market shows gains across Winnipeg

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Winnipeg’s real estate market continued its hot streak in July with increases in sales and dollar volume the Winnipeg Regional Real Estate Board announced on Friday.

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The board reported a 10% increase in sales for July, with 1,488 transactions. Active listings dropped by 3% to 4,173, while total dollar volume rose by 16% to $581 million. Residential detached sales increased by 8% to 1,042, with an average price of $433,257, up 7% from last year. Condominium sales also rose by 8% to 215, with an average price of $284,151, up 12%.

“The MLS sales results for July continued the trend of year-over-year increases seen in all but one month in 2024. In every month of 2024, average prices for residential-detached, condominiums, and residential attached homes have increased over last year,” said Daphne Shepherd, President of the Winnipeg Regional Real Estate Board in a release. “In July, we observed a 4.3% increase in property showings compared to the previous year, indicating a growing interest.”

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Year-to-date figures show sales up by 12% to 8,770, with total listings up 4% to 14,737. Dollar volume increased by 19% to $3.4 billion. Residential detached sales for the year are up 11% to 6,018, with an average price of $425,594, up 6%. Condominium sales are up 12% to 1,332, with an average price of $278,193, up 9%. Residential attached sales increased by 16% to 623, with an average price of $364,453, up 9%.

The update also included five Lake Country areas: Lac du Bonnet, Lake Manitoba – East Side, Lake Winnipeg – East Side, Lake Winnipeg – West Side, and Winnipeg River. First-half 2024 sales were up in Lake Manitoba and both sides of Lake Winnipeg but down in Lac du Bonnet and Winnipeg River. Listings varied, with increases in Lake Winnipeg and Lake Manitoba – East Side, but decreases in Lac du Bonnet and Winnipeg River. Average prices rose in most areas except Lake Manitoba – East Side.

“It is often said that all markets are local, and this can be seen very clearly in the specific real estate markets that make up the Lake Country areas,“ said Shepherd. “While average prices were up in most areas, the number of listings and sales varied depending on the areas of focus.”

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