KLEIN: Shindico a local and Manitoba succcess story

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In the face of a new Capital Gains Tax in Canada, which experts predict will negatively impact real estate investment across the country, one company stands out for its unwavering commitment to local development: Shindico.

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The tax change means that for individuals with capital gains over $250,000, the rate will increase from 50% to 66.7%, while gains under $250,000 will remain taxed at 50%. This shift will impact families planning to transfer property or businesses to their children, complicating succession planning and intergenerational wealth transfer. Mark Goodman, principal at Goodman Commercial Inc., told the Vancouver Sun that there was an immediate reaction to the tax change: “We are closing five transactions ahead of June 25. The speed has been unprecedented.” This rush to finalize deals before the new tax takes effect underscores the concern among investors about diminished returns, leading to a surge in property sales across the country, including a Montreal group purchasing a Winnipeg mall.

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Despite these concerns, Shindico, a locally owned company and a Manitoba success story, has chosen a different path. Instead of selling off properties, Shindico is doubling down on its investment in Winnipeg. This bold move reflects a profound belief in the city’s potential and a commitment to fostering local growth. Over the past few weeks, Shindico has demonstrated its faith in Winnipeg’s future by making significant investments in retail and residential sectors while expanding its footprint in Ontario and Quebec.

Sandy Shindleman, President and CEO of Shindico, expressed his enthusiasm for Winnipeg’s future: “We live here and believe in our city, but more importantly, we have a great team here, the best we’ve had in 50 years, who are doing incredible work attracting new businesses to Winnipeg.” Shindico’s recent projects include the completion of two new apartment buildings on Taylor, with a third in the planning stages, and the acquisition of the historic River Heights Apartments, a charming character building built in 1930 by the Akman family. Danny Akman, a descendant of the original builder, said, “We are thrilled to have Shindico join us in preserving these legacy assets built by my grandfather.”

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Shindico’s vision extends beyond immediate investments. Shindleman envisions a thriving Winnipeg with a growing population and increased economic activity. “We need 500,000 more people here,” he said, emphasizing the need for more jobs and homes. Shindico’s ongoing projects, such as the residential development in St. Boniface’s Water Tower District, aim to address the city’s housing needs, particularly in underserved areas. “St. Boniface has historically been left behind in development, especially multi-family, 55 plus, and assisted living residences. The city needs more apartments; the city wins with residential development and infill with more tax dollars,” Shindleman explained.

Amidst the challenges posed by the new Capital Gains Tax, Shindico has also made strategic investments in the city. These include the Goulet Shopping Centre, located across from St. Boniface General Hospital, and St. Anne’s Road properties. Shindico’s commitment to local development, even when others are divesting, is a testament to their belief in Winnipeg’s potential and dedication to fostering economic growth.

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The importance of celebrating locally owned companies like Shindico cannot be overstated. Their passion and commitment to the community create a ripple effect of benefits, from job creation to economic development. By investing in residential development, Shindico is not only providing homes but also creating jobs, fostering a sense of community, and contributing to the overall prosperity of Winnipeg.

As Winnipeggers, we often overlook the successes of our local businesses. It is time to change that narrative and take pride in the companies that drive our economy forward. Shindico’s unwavering belief in Winnipeg and its strategic investments are an inspiring example of what can be achieved when local businesses commit to their communities. Their actions remind us that local investment and development can lead to a brighter future for all, even in the face of challenging economic policies.

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Shindico’s ongoing investments and commitment to Winnipeg are a beacon of hope and a call to action for other businesses to follow suit. We can collectively work towards a prosperous future for all Winnipeggers by supporting and celebrating local companies. Let us take pride in the contributions of companies like Shindico, whose dedication to our community paves the way for growth, development, and a thriving Winnipeg.

We, the Winnipeg Sun, intend to celebrate the success of our local companies. If you know of a local organization or investor that deserves recognition, tell us — email our editor, Mark Hamm, at Mark.Hamm@kleinmedia.ca.

— Kevin Klein is a former Tory cabinet minister, a former city councillor and is the President & CEO of Klein Group Ltd.

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