LOCAL LEGENDS: Catchfire guides businesses through sales or purchases of a lifetime

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Picture this: you’ve spent years building your business from the ground up. Late nights, early mornings, and many sacrifices have led to this moment. Now, you’re considering the next big step — selling your company.

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It’s not just a financial decision, it’s deeply personal. This is where Catchfire steps in, not just as advisors, but as partners in your journey. So, if you are ready to sell or buy a business, discover why Catchfire is the trusted partner you need.

Catchfire’s story began in 2015 with Gary Brownstone, whose entrepreneurial spirit was sparked at 11 when he earned money for designer jeans. This early experience laid the foundation for a career dedicated to understanding the heart of business challenges. Fast forward to today, and Gary’s determination has evolved into Catchfire, a beacon for business owners navigating the complex world of mergers and acquisitions. But Catchfire isn’t just about Gary — it’s about a team that understands every business transaction is a human story.

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Enter Derek Penner, Catchfire’s newest partner. Derek’s journey from CFO to empathetic CEO of an $800 million enterprise brings a unique perspective to the team. With extensive experience in finance, strategic operations, and global transactions, Derek complements Gary’s expertise, strengthening Catchfire’s position as a leading force in the M&A advisory sector. Together, Gary and Derek don’t just see balance sheets and profit margins — they see the dreams, sweat, and tears behind each business.

The Catchfire Approach: It’s Personal

At Catchfire, they don’t just talk about services; they talk about experiences. Here’s what working with Catchfire can look like:

Getting to Know You: It all starts with a conversation, where they dive into your business’s story—your motivations, challenges, and hopes for the future.

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Digging Deep: Using the Catchfire 3D tool, they assess your business’s unique strengths and weaknesses, providing actionable recommendations.

Planning the Journey: Whether you want to sell, grow, buy or turn things around, they create a tailored strategy, not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Walking Beside You: From negotiating deals to improving operations, they’re with you every step of the way, like co-pilots navigating the calm and turbulent skies.

Celebrating Milestones: Every victory is celebrated, recognizing the significance of each step in your business journey.

Real Stories, Real Impact

Catchfire’s work isn’t just about transactions, it’s about transformations. Consider John, a family-run manufacturing business owner concerned about succession. In three months, he found a buyer who shared his values and vision. Or Sarah, whose tech startup needed guidance for growth through acquisitions — today, her company thrives in markets she once only dreamed of entering. These are not just success stories, they’re a promise of what can be achieved together.

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Gary and Derek have successfully facilitated more than 100 business transactions across various sectors, including manufacturing, food service, technology, and business services. Their global network and extensive operational experience offer clients unparalleled support, ensuring they are in the hands of seasoned professionals.

At Catchfire, business is about more than transactions — it’s about relationships. Selling a company is not merely a financial transaction but a complex and often emotional journey. That’s why Catchfire emphasizes the importance of preparation, ensuring clients thoroughly understand their business, its market position, and potential buyers before initiating a sale.

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If you’re at the crossroads of a business transition, feeling excitement and apprehension, reach out for a conversation — no pressure, just a chance to see if Catchfire is the right fit for your journey.

John Maxwell’s saying, “Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation,” encapsulates Catchfire’s approach. Their meticulous process begins with an in-depth business review, followed by comprehensive industry research and developing a prospect list. This preparation minimizes clients’ time spent on the sale, allowing them to focus on running their business while Catchfire handles the heavy lifting.

Once potential buyers are identified, Catchfire’s negotiation expertise ensures clients achieve the best possible outcomes. Their dedication to advancing clients’ interests reflects Maxwell’s belief that “Leadership is not about being in charge. It’s about taking care of those in your charge.”

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Catchfire’s success is built on forging strong, lasting client relationships. This relationship-driven approach sets the firm apart, making clients feel genuinely understood and valued. In a world where business transactions can be fraught with uncertainty, Catchfire offers a clear path to success. With their combined experience and strategic insight, they are the ideal partners for any business owner looking to navigate the complexities of buying or selling a company. With Catchfire, you can adjust your sails and steer your business toward a prosperous future.

In the words of John Maxwell, “The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” At Catchfire, they’re ready to help you adjust your sails and chart a course to your business’s brightest future.

Are you or someone you know ready to buy or sell a business? Call my friends Gary at 204-918-4747 and Derek at 204-771-6577, or email them at info@catchfiregroup.ca. And if you do, mention that Art sent you — it’s always nice to know we’re connected through people who care.

— Art Alexander isn’t just a name on a page. He’s a passionate leader, speaker, and the friendly face behind Art Alexander and Associates. With a knack for understanding what makes people tick, Art helps businesses thrive through leadership training and DISC personality assessments. Drop him a line at art@artalexander.ca

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