Manitoba extends funding for retail and violent crime initiative in Winnipeg

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The Manitoba government is providing up to $774,000 to extend its retail and violent crime initiative in Winnipeg through the fall it was announced Thursday.

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This funding supports ongoing collaboration with the Winnipeg Police Service (WPS).

“This partnership with the Winnipeg Police Service has gone a long way in helping Manitobans feel safe,” said Premier Wab Kinew. “Our government is tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime. We will continue to work on long-term solutions to make our communities safer, but we are responding to address the immediate needs of businesses and residents downtown.”

The additional funds will enhance WPS’s response to violence and retail crime, including support for general patrol units, targeted retail theft initiatives, and engagement with business leaders to improve safety.

“Our government will always offer compassionate approaches to those struggling with addictions and mental health issues, but we will not cede any ground on public safety,” said Justice Minister Matt Wiebe. “The partnership with the Winnipeg Police Service has been very successful in addressing retail crime with overwhelmingly positive feedback from the business community.”

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John Graham from the Retail Council of Canada expressed appreciation for the funding, noting it allows WPS to maintain effective retail crime strategies. Supt.

Dave Dalal of WPS highlighted the positive impact on safety and the community.

“We have seen a real impact in these areas of focus, not only through arrests, but through the sense of safety that the officer’s presence provides to local residents and businesses,” said WPS Supt. Dave Dalal

This funding is in addition to the annual public safety basket funding provided by the province to WPS. The initiative complements other safety efforts, including nearly $1.5 million in support from various sources for the Downtown Community Safety Partnership and a new safe sobering centre.

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