Manitoba studying Houston’s solutions to homelessness

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Housing, Addictions, and Homelessness Minister Bernadette Smith announced that she and a delegation from Manitoba are in Houston, Texas, to study the municipality’s successful approach to addressing homelessness.

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The Manitoba delegation will spend two days, starting July 25, hosted by the City of Houston. During this visit, delegates will explore Houston’s collaborative homeless response, visit the Coalition for the Homeless’ Housing Navigation Center, and meet with community organizations working on the ground. Houston’s approach, which has reduced homelessness by over 60 percent and moved more than 32,000 people off the streets, serves as a model for Manitoba.

Partners joining the minister include representatives from municipal governments of Winnipeg, Thompson, and Brandon, Métis government and Indigenous-led organizations such as the Manitoba Métis Federation, End Homelessness Winnipeg, and the Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre, along with community organizations like the West Central Women’s Resource Centre, Main Street Project, and Downtown Community Safety Partnership.

“This visit is an opportunity to learn what collaboration looks like in practice in a jurisdiction that has seen tremendous success,” said Brandon Mayor Jeff Fawcett. “In Brandon, there are great partnerships already working to address homelessness, and it is an honour to join leaders from across the province as we tackle this issue at a large scale.”

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