NDP budget fails to address rural crime, says AMM president

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The president of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) said some of the province’s budget will be “encouraging” for rural Manitoba leaders and residents, while investments in public safety “miss the mark.”

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AMM president Kam Blight spoke to the Winnipeg Sun on Tuesday after the NDP government released their 2024 budget.

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According to Blight, many of Manitoba’s 137 municipalities have faced challenges since the previous PC government froze municipal funding between 2016 and 2023 and he said he was happy to see that changing under the NDP.

The province says the 2024 budget is investing in “all municipalities across Manitoba” and will provide a 2% increase to municipalities — about $52 million for the 2024 fiscal year.

“Beyond this, our government is committing to reliable, flexible and stable funding,” the province added.

But Blight said the NDP’s offering isn’t a cure-all as multi-year funding agreements for municipalities aren’t included in this budget.

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“With infrastructure and funding for operating budgets we were hoping to see more,” Blight said. “It falls short, because we were hoping to see a multi-year funding model in place so that funding is long-term and predictable, and we’re not there yet.

“But there is a commitment in the budget to work towards that with municipalities, so we do feel that’s encouraging.”

Blight said one of the most concerning issues in rural Manitoba has been public safety and he said he does not believe the budget is offering enough to improve safety and combat crime.

“We are concerned about and discouraged by the public safety basket, so that’s concerning because public safety is of utmost concern for municipalities across the province and now we think those concerns are only going to escalate,” he said.

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The province said the new budget “delivers help with funding to be tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime,” including $6.3 million to address public safety, and funding to prevent and respond to crime and support victims of crime.

But Blight said he believes there is not enough in the budget to combat rural crime and to hire more community safety officers in communities.

“That is something we are going to continue to raise with this government, because we have heard them make promises that they would be tough on crime and on offenders and we feel they missed the mark on that issue, especially for rural Manitobans,” he said.

Blight said he believes the government’s decision to extend the provincial gas tax holiday, which temporarily suspends the 14 cents per litre tax until the end of September, will be a positive for rural Manitoba municipalities, and for residents looking for more affordability in their day-to-day lives.

“There is a direct positive impact to municipalities as well as residents from that, so that is something that will be felt by municipalities and residents,” he said.

Blight said that over the next year, the AMM will focus on pushing the province to improve public safety and for multi-year funding agreements for municipalities.

— Dave Baxter is a Local Journalism Initiative reporter who works out of the Winnipeg Sun. The Local Journalism Initiative is funded by the Government of Canada.

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