Shared Health reveals info breach for hundreds of patients

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A few hundred Manitoba patients were notified their personal health information was breached between August 2024 and March 2024.

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The notification letters were sent to approximately 360 patients by Shared Health’s privacy officer earlier this week and follow an internal investigation involving a clinical staff member at HSC. That individual is no longer employed by Shared Health.

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Affected patients are encouraged to contact Shared Health’s privacy office if they wish to discuss the matter. They were also given information on how to receive a record of user activity on their electronic health record.

“It is deeply regrettable that patient privacy was breached,” said Christina Von Schindler, Shared Health’s chief privacy officer in a press release on Friday. “In this case, the protocols were effective, with the snooping detected, investigated and the individual responsible held accountable for their actions.”

Share Health said they have mandatory training for every employee on appropriate use of personal health information and workers must sign a pledge to observe their obligations under the Personal Health Information Act. This training is repeated every three years. Employees are also subject to regular audits of their activity in the electronic health record systems to which they have privileged access.

Manitoba’s ombudsman has been made aware of the breach.

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