“TON OF WEED”: Taking a deep dive into the world of growing legal marijuana

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From the opposite side of roughly 10 square feet of dense, fragrant, and flowering marijuana plants, Phil calls it as he sees it, “Four plants can give you a ton of weed.”

Not literally a ton, but far more than you’d think.

Phil, not his real name, has been pretty tight with Mary Jane over the years. He currently holds a medical licence to grow close to 200 plants.

Grow op
Manitobans are now allowed to grow four cannabis plants in their homes. Photo by Chris Procaylo /Winnipeg Sun

“People are going to be surprised how productive cannabis plants can be.”

If you manage to bring your four plants over the finish line, and get a successful crop, “…you’re going to have more weed than you know what to do with,” according to Phil.

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It’s recommended you have a storage plan, after drying and curing, to keep your home grown the best possible version of itself. Phil swears by glass jars, and two way humidity packs, two way because they add and remove humidity as needed, they resemble tea bags.

Phil adds novice growers will learn that horticulture is work. “There’s something to do everyday.”

Grow op
Under extreme magnification, tricomes on cannabis plants resemble mushrooms. Manitobans can now legally grow up to four cannabis plants. Photo by Chris Procaylo /Winnipeg Sun

Cannabis plants generally have a 49 to 70 day flowering period, that is artificially induced when growers give their plants 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark. “Flowering”, as growers call it, is when the smokable buds grow. The plants first reach their desired indoor height of about a foot and half, under 18 hours of light and six of darkness. The plants will finish at about twice the size they are when flowering is induced.

“Not everything goes perfectly every time,” he cautions, “… but if you put in the work, growing cannabis can be lots of fun, plus we can talk about it now.”

