Sweet summers at Sandy Hook

Sandy Hook, less than an hour’s drive north of Winnipeg, is a popular destination for cottage owners, tourists and visitors alike. Supplied McRorie’s painted rocks […]

A brand new opportunity

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade… and that’s exactly what a Winnipeg agency is offering to do each year for deserving not-for-profit organizations. The […]

Loss for words

Abiodun Adetu, who immigrated to Canada from Nigeria in 2019, cheerfully shares that her three children’s time spent playing in the neighbourhood is like a […]

Scholarship and goodwill

When fresh-faced students flock to the University of Winnipeg campus in a few weeks for their first taste of post-secondary education, for the first time […]

Authentic eats

For George Abraham, Folklorama is a year-round event. Folklorama preview The 53rd annual Folklorama festival starts Sunday and runs until Aug. 17, with 38 pavilions […]