Cycling advocates want Wyatt removed from civic committee for ‘flagrant’ violation of council’s code of conduct

Bike Winnipeg is calling for the removal of Coun. Russ Wyatt from the city’s public works committee, alleging the Transcona councillor made offensive remarks during a meeting Tuesday.

In a news release Wednesday, Bike Winnipeg executive director Mark Cohoe said Wyatt should be removed over a “flagrant and deliberate violation” of council’s code of conduct.

Cohoe said Wyatt characterized him and other delegates as “bike Nazis” during the public works meeting addressing safety measures for the intersection of Osborne Street and River Avenue, and Osborne Street South.

MIKE DEAL / FREE PRESS FILES Bike Winnipeg is calling for the removal of Coun. Russ Wyatt from the city’s public works committee.


Bike Winnipeg is calling for the removal of Coun. Russ Wyatt from the city’s public works committee.

“Use of the term ‘Nazi’ is not only offensive, it is also harmful to generations affected by Nazi Germany’s murder of six million Jews in the 1930s and 1940s,” the release states. “The fact an elected official would use such language in a public meeting without immediate censure should be of concern to every Winnipeg citizen.”

The Free Press has reached out to Wyatt for comment.

“The councillor’s comments are completely unacceptable,” Mayor Scott Gillingham told reporters Wednesday afternoon. “I would encourage the councillor to retract his comments and to address it with Bike Winnipeg.”

Under Section 9 of council’s code of conduct, it reads that all members have a “duty to treat members of the public, one another, city staff and their own staff with respect and without abuse, harassment, or intimidation.”
