From Struggle to Second Chances: Beryl Brandson’s Transplant Journey

Beryl Brandson’s transplant journey began when he started experiencing low energy levels and a persistent cough.

Beryl Brandson with grandson Ashton at HSC Winnipeg.
Beryl Brandson with grandson Ashton at HSC Winnipeg.

He was later diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a debilitating lung disease. In 2015, the need for a lung transplant became apparent and Beryl was referred to the Transplant Clinic at the Health Sciences Centre (HSC).

Following a thorough assessment at HSC’s Respiratory Clinic, Beryl received a life-changing call in August 2016—the possibility of new lungs. He was then transported to the University of Alberta Hospital, one of the two places where Winnipeg patients go who require a lung transplant.

As soon as my eyes opened, I knew I had new lungs. I could breathe. Even though I had the respirator helping me breathe, I could tell I had new lungs. I knew things were going to be okay,” Beryl says.

Beryl Brandson, surrounded by family, shortly before being wheeled into his lung transplant surgery.
Beryl Brandson, surrounded by family, shortly before being wheeled into his lung transplant surgery.

Post-transplant, Beryl’s life underwent a remarkable transformation. Breathing, once a struggle, became easier than ever. Beryl now returns every three months to the HSC Foundation donor-funded Transplant Wellness Centre for check-ups and to HSC’s Respiratory Clinic for pulmonary function testing.

Beryl has heartfelt appreciation for those who have contributed to his second chance at life, recognizing the medical professionals and donors who played pivotal roles in his journey. He emphasizes the importance of supporting the HSC Foundation, recognizing the impact of their contributions on patients like himself.

Beryl Brandson at his 60th birthday party—five years after his transplant surgery.
Beryl Brandson at his 60th birthday party—five years after his transplant surgery.

“It is so important to donate to the HSC Foundation. We are all going to need the hospital at some point in our lives,” Beryl says.

Your donations make a difference in the lives of Manitobans like Beryl. To make your gift now, please visit or call 204-515-5612 or toll free at 1-800-679-8493.
