Province targets wait times for trans patients

The provincial government announced Wednesday it is taking a number of steps to improve wait times for trans patients seeking care.

Health Minister Uzoma Asagwara said the steps include removing the requirement for a patient to obtain two medical referrals to access specialist care and “expanding the number of primary-care providers who are able to refer patients, including nurse practitioners, for gender-affirming care.”

Improving the referral process will give patients faster access to trans health programs, the minister said in a news release issued during a media event at Klinic Community Health on Wednesday afternoon.

Supporting “the gender identity of Manitobans is part of essential medical care and saves lives,” the minister said.

“Waiting for care can be painful and distressing, so our government is taking common-sense steps to help patients see providers as quickly as possible.”

The government will also create a working group aimed at connecting communities across the province with services.

The steps announced Wednesday were designed in collaboration with Klinic and align with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s latest clinical guidelines, the release said.

“As the provincial program serving adult transgender and gender-diverse clients, we know these improvements will have a positive impact on the mental health and overall well-being of those accessing gender-affirming care in Manitoba,” Klinic executive director Ayn Wilcox said in the release.
