A proposal to significantly hike the dollar value of legal claims senior City of Winnipeg staff can settle without involving elected officials is moving forward.
Council’s executive policy committee approved the proposal on Tuesday, which still awaits a final council vote.
If council approves, the city solicitor would be granted the power to approve settlements worth up to $100,000 (increased from $10,000). The chief financial officer could approve settlements up to $250,000 (increased from $100,000), the chief administrative officer could handle those up to $500,000 (up from $100,000) and the EPC could decide on settlements up to $750,000 (up from $250,000.)
City council approval would be required to settle claims worth more than $750,000, tripling the current $250,000 threshold.
Since public reports on settlements are only issued for matters that require EPC or council approval, those would be written only on settlements worth more than $500,000.
The city’s CFO recommended the changes as a way to settle claims more quickly and save money. A city report notes the rates have not changed since 1993.
Joyanne Pursaga
Joyanne is city hall reporter for the Winnipeg Free Press. A reporter since 2004, she began covering politics exclusively in 2012, writing on city hall and the Manitoba Legislature for the Winnipeg Sun before joining the Free Press in early 2020. Read more about Joyanne.
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