Taking the stage to build a stage

Volunteers are making a valiant effort to raise money needed to open a performing arts venue in Point Douglas.

The steering committee behind the Valiant Theatre is raising $100,000 to upgrade its century-old building, the former Christ the King Ukrainian Catholic Church at 376 Logan Ave.

With $20,000 of donations already committed, the committee is organizing a concert on Friday at the West End Cultural Centre that they hope will push them closer to their goal.

Celia McLean (left) and Amanda Le Rougetel are volunteering to create the Valiant Theatre on Logan Avenue. A fundraising concert Friday will include bands, magicians and an art auction. (Ruth Bonneville / Free Press)
Celia McLean (left) and Amanda Le Rougetel are volunteering to create the Valiant Theatre on Logan Avenue. A fundraising concert Friday will include bands, magicians and an art auction. (Ruth Bonneville / Free Press)

“This is a group of people who believe,” says committee member Amanda Le Rougetel. “We believe in the life force that is creative energy and we believe in community and we believe in the power of art in all its forms.”

Started by former Aqua Books owner Kelly Hughes and his partner, Andy Vaile, the Valiant will host a variety of musicians, writers and theatre performers once it opens its doors.

“(It’s about) providing this place for creative people to come together with their audience and a place for interesting things to happen that might not happen somewhere else,” Hughes says, adding that he wants to create a place that’s inclusive of LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities and people of colour.

“The plan is for this to be a clearing house for all the different interesting things people want to do, (in) a place where people feel comfortable.”

That vision resonates with Le Rougetel, who is a writer with a background in theatre. It also resonates with committee member Celia McLean, a graphic designer, photographer and illustrator.

Volunteer opportunities

The following is a list of volunteer opportunities for Winnipeg and surrounding areas. For more information about these listings, contact the organization directly. Volunteer Manitoba does not place volunteers with organizations but can help people find opportunities. To learn more about its programs and services, go to www.volunteermanitoba.ca or call 204-477-5180.

The following is a list of volunteer opportunities for Winnipeg and surrounding areas. For more information about these listings, contact the organization directly. Volunteer Manitoba does not place volunteers with organizations but can help people find opportunities. To learn more about its programs and services, go to www.volunteermanitoba.ca or call 204-477-5180.

DASCH needs social visits volunteers to participate in various activities, including residential and virtual visits, recreational activities, photography, and helping at events. Volunteers will engage one-on-one with people in a casual setting. That might involve reading, playing games, baking or attending community events. DASCH will try to match a volunteer’s interests and personalities with those they support to create meaningful connections. Must be fluent in English and have access to a smart device with internet access. The time commitment is based on a schedule that suits both the volunteer and the person supported. The role requires criminal record and child abuse registry checks, with costs for the latter reimbursed. Email volunteer@dasch.mb.ca by June 19.

Variety, the Children’s Charity, needs bike camp volunteers to help people with disabilities learn to ride a two-wheel bicycle using adapted equipment. The camp runs from July 1 to July 5 and July 8 to July 12. Must be 15 or older, but no prior experience is required. Volunteers will attend a one-hour orientation at Transcona East End Arena or online on July 7 at 4 p.m. Volunteers will act as spotters, offering encouragement and support. Groups, families and people seeking school credit are encouraged to apply. Apply at atavares@varietymanitoba.com or http://wfp.to/y9S by July 16.

The Manitoba Cycling Association needs volunteers to fill various roles, including coaches, officials, timekeepers, event support, Manitoba Summer Games volunteers and more. People passionate about cycling or eager to contribute can apply at http://wfp.to/y90 by July 1.

Latinas Manitoba needs volunteers who are eager to contribute to exciting events, organize workshops and collaborate in multicultural fairs, including the Folklorama pavilions. Enthusiastic and dedicated people are needed to help at various events and activities throughout the year. They will assist in organizing and managing events and workshops, welcoming and orienting visitors, preparing stands and exhibitions, and participating in promotional and outreach activities. No experience is required, only enthusiasm and a willingness to learn and collaborate. Having a food handlers certificate and Smart Choices certification is a plus. Apply at adm.latinasmb@gmail.com or http://wfp.to/y9N by July 20.

“This particular creative project I think is so necessary for the arts community in Winnipeg,” McLean says.

The beauty of the committee, she adds, is that it includes people from various backgrounds who each have something different to offer.

McLean has contributed her graphic design expertise, including a T-shirt bearing the slogan, “Art will save us all.”

Le Rougetel, meanwhile, is inviting everyone she knows to Friday’s concert.

“It’s $20 to attend, and every $20 gets us one step closer to opening the doors of the Valiant,” she says.

Billed as “A Night to Build the Valiant Theatre,” the concert will feature music by Deacon Creek and the Benefits.

Comedian Big Daddy Tazz will host, illusionist Brad Micholson will roam the crowd performing close-up magic and the event will include an art auction.

Everyone involved is donating their time, and donors have covered the costs of the venue rental and catering.

“Community is about coming together to contribute to, and make real, something that is much bigger than I am,” Le Rougetel says, adding that’s what’s happening with the Valiant. “The whole is definitely bigger than the individuals.”

For Hughes, who has been working at getting the Valiant off the ground for nearly a decade, the contributions from volunteers and donors means a lot.

“I really could not be doing it all without them,” he says.

Tickets for Friday’s concert are available at showpass.com/a-night-to-build-the-valiant-theatre. Learn more about donating to the Valiant at thevaliant.ca.

If you know a special volunteer, please contact aaron.epp@freepress.mb.ca.
