U.S. President Donald Trump’s tariff threat has many Manitobans on edge. The Free Press went to The Forks, a Walmart and Safeway store to ask people how they are reacting to the potential for a trade war.
“If I have a choice between a product made in the U.S and one made in Canada — I will definitely choose the one made in Canada,” he said.
— Paul Young, retired ex-military officer
“I’d often travel to the States for a vacation of some sort but not anymore. Now I think twice, maybe three or four times before crossing the border. It’s a sensitive time right now.”
— Shirley Gagnon, retired X-ray technologist
“He (Trump) is a bully — that’s what he does,” said Zajac. “I think we (Canada) need to fight back more and bully him back a little bit — that might be the only way to get through to him.”
— Andrea Zajac, retired provincial civil servant
“I know at an individual level we can’t do anything — we’re never going to do anything. But if we stood as a group, we could,” Volanski said. “We need to stop giving all the power to a select number of people who are ready to abuse it.”
— Brad Volanski, retired mining worker
“We were looking forward to going on a trip, but we cancelled it all as of yesterday. There’s no sense of us going to cross the border because it’s not even worth it considering the current uncertainties.”
— Martino Botoli, Winnipeg health-care worker
“It’s already expensive enough, but this is another thing we have to look out for now. I’ve never really worried about (product labels) but now that’s what I need to do to survive.”
— Mildrate Matanga, social worker
“My family discussed it and we decided to do it a couple days ago. I really don’t think we should be supporting them if they aren’t supporting us.”
— Phoenix Wares, who lives in Lac du Bonnet